Why Print?
Matthew Torchiana Hoban has been designing, carving, etching, exposing, inking, and pressing handmade prints since 2015. He was first exposed to the world of printmaking at the Tyler School of Art, but has maintained his print practice ever since, through his MFA program at UGA, and since moving back to the Philadelphia region three years ago. Now, he runs a printshop out of his studio, complete with a screenprinting T-Shirt Press, as well as an etching and relief press.
Though many of these labor intensive mediums have been pushed to the wayside with the mass production of contemporary society, many artists still maintain the passed down traditions of printmaking. It’s a group of materials whose particular processes, aesthetics, and inherent physicality still remain unparalleled. A certain care and heightened level of attentiveness must be present to make quality handmade prints, and I believe you’ll find that palpable in each of these pieces.